CyberSecurity Blog

In cyber security blog, I will cover the latest news and trends in the industry, as well as provide manuals and introduce various tools. My focus will be on incident response, threat hunting, and pentesting, with the aim of providing valuable insights and practical guidance to both professionals and enthusiasts alike. Stay tuned for informative and engaging content that will help you stay ahead of the curve in the constantly evolving world of cyber security.

Random Security News [CZ]

iCloud phishingové kampaně, potenciální supply chain attack na TensorFlow a nový zdroj dat platformy HIBP

Random Security News [CZ]

Phishingové kampaně zaměřené na uživatele iCloudu

Apple iCloud se stává populárním cílem hackerů, kteří se snaží získat neoprávněný přístup k citlivým datům jeho uživatelů. Tato data, jako jsou osobní údaje, obrázky, e-maily a dokumenty pak mohou útočníci zneužít nebo prodat. Úspěšné narušení na...

LEGO Facebook Scam [EN]

Get Millennium Falcon Lego set for 39 CZK! Or not?

LEGO Facebook Scam [EN]

Recently, I came across another fraudulent activity, this time one of Facebook ads caught my attention. It was the week after May 4, which is unofficially called Start Wars Day (based on the punchline May the Fourth be with you) when Facebook ads offered me an irresistible offer to purchase the...

SAZKA SMShing Attack [EN]

Caught in the Easter Trap

SAZKA SMShing Attack [EN]

I recently came across a fairly well-made SMShing attack where the attackers faithfully mimicked the website of SAZKA, a Czech company mainly running number games and betting. The attackers took advantage of the company's advertising campaign promoting limited Easter scratch tickets and targeted t...